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Public Issue Tracker to Gather Your Feedback and Product Experience

Nothing makes our team happier than launching new features that dramatically enhance your productivity.

There are numerous times when you appreciate our efforts. It brings a wide smile on our face and makes our day. Other than making us feel confident, secure, and top of the world, we feel a great deal of responsibility on our shoulders.

That’s why, we’d like to instill a mechanism to ensure that our users can share every kind of feedback, be it good or bad! We believe as a customer you should be welcome to make suggestions or report bugs for instance, and we will do our best to respond.

Keeping this in mind, we’ve just introduced a public tracker with an aim to continuously improve our products through healthy feedback. Planning to progress with every moment, Ricksoft is aiming to become an open and transparent organization.

Before we move forward, check out the publicly available issue tracker.

Ricksoft is an open organization that values user feedback and strives to constantly improve our products for a better user experience.

How can you use this tracker?

1. Quick reporting of customer concerns – We believe that offering a helpful feedback can be absolutely important in determining the actual root cause of an issue. That’s why we’d like you to report any concern in a matter of minutes.

2. Help us become more productive – We don’t want you to waste any time on the well-known smaller bugs. When we observe that an error has happened one too many times, we immediately realize the frustration you might be feeling. Just highlight the same and get it solved much sooner.

3. Share feedback and suggestions – We believe reaching out to the users and asking them about the areas for improvement is one of the best ways to better our product. This is precisely the reason we’ve made it very simple for you to submit interactive feedback at the drop of a hat.

4. Fix the problems – As we put our heart and soul into a product, we could often miss the flaws that others may find. That’s why we’d like you to address new problems and also prioritize our customer’s needs. This is a win-win for both parties.

5. Specific feature requests – If you have a unique feature request, don’t feel shy and share it on the public platform for everybody to see. As mentioned before, other than identifying common errors and sticking crucial points, the purpose of the tracker is to empower your voice and get desired features in the future versions.

6. Tell us your point of view – You can also leave comments on new developments. Give your votes to show support on a particular issue. By collecting user feedback, we gain access to new ideas, suggestions, and relevant critiques for our products.

We appreciate any feedback you may have regarding prospective new ideas, suggestions, and pertinent criticisms of our products.

**Please note there are certain issues that need help from our support team. In those specific cases, you are advised to not use the public tracker. Instead, you should raise a ticket on support desk. This would lead to a quick resolution and better customer service from our end.


For us, the tracker is a game changer when it comes to interacting with our customers. Although we’re in the early stages of this experiment, the response from our customers has been overwhelming.

We feel pumped and looking to gather fantastic insights!

The thing is, we’d like to remain accountable to our customers as we continue to work together on improving the product. Initiatives like these help us turn your feedback into new features. Also, we can remove or improve the components that don’t add value for our users.

If you have any suggestions, ideas, or criticisms about the implementation of this public tracker, we’d love to hear them. Feel free to leave comments on this blog or to review us in Atlassian marketplace.

You can always trust us to provide you with the best possible experience. That’s a lifetime promise!

Find the tracker here.

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