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What’s New in Excel-like Tables for Confluence – May 2022

The latest version of Excel-like Tables for Confluence , ver. 1.1.4, has a lot of improvements.

There are more than 40 minor bugs that have been fixed.

Here are some of the major new features.


“FILE – Print” menu can now be used for printing, and a [PAGE LAYOUT] tab has been added to the Ribbon menu, allowing GUI settings for printing margins, paper direction, paper size, and print range.

PDF export with layout settings is available from this print function.

In addition, the Page Setup dialog, which can be displayed from the [PAGE LAYOUT] tab, allows for header/footer settings for printed pages. In addition to common page header/footer settings, this feature allows different print headers and footers to be set for the first page, odd-numbered pages, and even-numbered pages.

Excel-like Tables for Confluence Print

Page Setup in Excel-like Tables for Confluence

Splitting Text Data

The new Text to Columns function on the DATA tab of the Ribbon menu allows you to split text strings separated by commas or tabs and expand them into individual cells.

Excel-like Tables for Confluence Splitting Text Data

Excel-like Tables for Confluence Splitting Text Data

Deleting Duplicate Data

The new Remove Duplicates function on the DATA tab of the Ribbon menu allows you to easily delete duplicate data in any cell selection.

Excel-like Tables for Confluence Remove Duplicate Data

Summary of enhancements since the official release

  • View settings
  • Added several shortcut keys
  • Printing with a page setup dialog
  • Splitting feature: convert delimiter-separated text in a cell to text across multiple columns
  • Remove duplicates feature
  • Resolved 42 Issues

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